Day 9 | Preparation for Nutrition Education Class

Our original plan was to attend the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) meeting for the polio vaccination campaign at the District Health Office (DHO). However, the meeting was cancelled due to the campaign being postponed to August.

We have decided to work on our nutrition education project for the Chiputula Primary School and began reading articles on nutrition education and nutrition status in Malawi. We will create a pre/post questionnaire for the students who will be involved in the nutrition education class to assess their nutrition knowledge. Based on the answers from the pre-questionnaire, we will create nutrition education class materials for the students from fifth to seventh grade, 10 to 13 years old. 

We are visiting the Chiputula Primary School to meet with the head teacher tomorrow to discuss the details of the nutrition education project. We took time to read relevant articles individually and came up with the questions we want to address with the head teacher before creating the questionnaire and education material. We hope to gain insight into the students’ nutrition and health statuses and the school’s expected goals from the project for tomorrow’s school visit.

After working on the nutrition education project, we visited Joseph’s place to get some avocados from his garden and stargazed outside our dorm. The night sky from Mzuzu is always beautiful, full of stars:)


  • Reading articles on nutrition education and nutrition status in Malawi
  • Preparing for tomorrow’s Chiptula Primary School visit

All the photos were taken by SHANTU (Verbal consent was obtained before taking the pictures)

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